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You guys all know I dont post much on Instagram. The reason is that only one kind of image works and that annoys me. Big, bold, in your face, and color. Annoying. This is one of those images. It tells a story, there are tones of important detail and it falls completely flat on Instagram. The fact is that many of the most famous images of all time wouldn’t get a second glance on Instagram but that is a story for another time. Because I am not posting doesn’t mean that I am not shooting. Rather I have been active in stealth mode working on a pet project at @leicalensesfornormalpeople. Almost nobody here except @beersandcameras @popflashphoto @toddglaser and especially @pepe_vision would care half a turd about what I am doing there but if you want to read about pig vomit bokeh, Chinacron flare monsters, garden gnomes and parked cars, outie belly buttons, and how all of this relates to #leica lenses check it out. If you follow along I’ll give you the back story about why I started the site in the next few posts. Btw: this image shot with a #summicron35asph on a #leicam10 #leicalensesfornormalpeople